zhī wài


  • outside
  • excluding



  • 除了雨之外,我们体验了强风。
    Besides the rain, we experienced heavy winds.
  • 这份工作在我能力范围之外.
    This job is beyond my ability.
  • 我们除了走之外没有其它选择。
    We have no choice but to go.
  • 除此之外,马还是人才的代名词。
    As well as this, the horse is also representative of human talent.
  • 她挥着她的手,直到火车消失在视线之外
    She waved her hand until the train was out of sight.
  • 因此,除了名词的变格之外,也存在比现代英语多的动词的各种变型。
    Accordingly, besides noun declension patterns, there also existed a greater variety of verb conjugation patterns than in Modern English.
Chinese Tones