bié ren


  • other people
  • others
  • other person



  • 你不能因为别人穷就看不起别人
    You must not despise someone because they are poor.
  • 别人听得懂你说的英语吗?
    Can you make yourself understood in English?
  • 嘲笑别人是无礼的。
    It is rude to laugh at others.
  • 我讨厌别人让我等很久。
    I hate when other people make me wait a long time.
  • 别人听得懂你说的法语吗?
    Can you make yourself understood in French?
  • 达芬奇比别人高瞻远瞩。
    Da Vinci could see farther than others.
  • 男人老不老,自己心中有数;女人老不老,别人一目了然.
    A man is as old as he feels, and a woman as old she looks.
  • 你太依赖别人了。
    You depend too much on others.
Chinese Tones