

  • south



  • 非很远。
    South Africa is far away.
  • 西邀请他去派对。
    Nancy invited him to a party.
  • 在中国边的情况不一样。
    In the south of China, the situation is different.
  • 他们是从法国部来的。
    They come from the south of France.
  • 他写了本关于美国北战争的书。
    He wrote a book about the American Civil War.
  • 这篇小说的中心点是北战争。
    The novel is centered on the Civil War.
  • 我们去法散心。
    We go to the South of France for a change of air.
  • 汤姆和西上个月分手了。
    Tom and Nancy broke up last month.
  • 巴拉圭是一个美洲的国家。
    Paraguay is a country in South America.
  • 我们的饭店在汽车站的附近。
    Our restaurant is near the southern bus station.
Chinese Tones