- 他学了两个小时。
He has been studying for two hours.
- 电影持续了2个小时。
The film lasted 2 hours.
- 今早我比平时早了一个小时起床。
This morning I got up an hour earlier than usual.
- 我望着海好几个小时。
I gazed at the sea for hours.
- 我们乘了约六小时的飞机。
We were flying about six hours.
- 他会在三个小时內回来。
He will return within 3 hours.
- 飞机将在一小时后起飞。
The plane will take off in one hour.
- 上次颳颱风时,风速超过了 200 公里每小时!
In the last typhoon, the wind blew at over 200 kilometers per hour!