chà bu duō


  • almost
  • nearly
  • more or less
  • about the same
  • good enough
  • not bad



  • 这棵树和屋顶差不多一样高。
    The tree is about as high as the roof.
  • 你的发音差不多对了。
    Your pronunciation is more or less correct.
  • 因为仅一分钟就要差不多花费4镑。
    Because just one minute costs nearly four pounds.
  • 他的岁数和你的差不多
    He is about your age.
  • 差不多有六呎高。
    He is almost six feet tall.
  • 他研究生物学已经有差不多十年的时间了。
    He has been engaged in the study of biology for nearly ten years.
  • 在教养上,他们可以说是和野蛮人差不多
    In culture, they are on the same plane as savages.
  • 日本是由四个大岛和三千多个小岛组成的,面积和加州差不多
    Japan consists of four major islands and over 3,000 small islands, and is about equal to California in area.
  • 他到了火车站的时候,火车已经开出了差不多半小时。
    When he reached the station, the train had already left almost half an hour before.
Chinese Tones