dǎ pò


  • to break
  • to smash



  • 汤姆打破了窗户。
    Tom broke the window.
  • 我们必须设法打破这个僵局。
    We must try to break the deadlock.
  • 是谁把窗打破了?
    By whom was the window broken?
  • Tom是在昨天打破了窗户。
    Tom is the one who broke the window yesterday.
  • 昨天打破窗子的人是杰克。
    It was Jack that broke the window yesterday.
  • 我把你的烟灰缸打破了。
    I broke your ashtray.
  • 是在昨天Jake打破了这扇窗。
    It was yesterday that Jake broke this window.
  • 我把你的花瓶打破了,真对不起。
    I must apologize to you for breaking the vase.
  • 我老婆把瓶子打破了,把厨房弄得满地都是牛奶。
    There is milk all over the kitchen floor because my wife broke the bottle.
Chinese Tones