&beta辐射 | | beta radiation |  |
核辐射 | hé fú shè | nuclear radiation |  |
热辐射 | rè fú shè | thermal radiation |  |
光辐射 | guāng fú shè | light radiation |  |
全辐射 | quán fú shè | total radiation |  |
总辐射 | zǒng fú shè | total radiation |  |
电磁辐射 | diàn cí fú shè | electromagnetic radiation |  |
电离辐射 | diàn lí fú shè | ionization radiation / nuclear radiation |  |
食品辐照 | | food irradiation |  |
背景辐射 | bèi jǐng fú shè | background radiation |  |
本底辐射 | běn dǐ fú shè | background radiation |  |
残余辐射 | cán yú fú shè | residual radiation |  |
穿透辐射 | chuān tòu fú shè | penetrating radiation |  |
低辐射窗 | dī fú shè chuāng | Low-E window |  |
反照辐射 | fǎn zhào fú shè | albedo radiation |  |
黑体辐射 | hēi tǐ fú shè | black body radiation (in thermodynamics) |  |
红外辐射 | hóng wài fú shè | infrared radiation / IR radiation |  |
伽马辐射 | jiā mǎ fú shè | gamma radiation |  |
强辐射区 | qiáng fú shè qū | radioactive hot spot |  |
剩余辐射 | shèng yú fú shè | residual radiation |  |
瞬发辐射 | shùn fā fú shè | prompt radiation |  |
瞬时辐射 | shùn shí fú shè | prompt radiation |  |
太阳辐射 | tài yáng fú shè | solar radiation |  |
宇宙辐射 | yǔ zhòu fú shè | cosmic radiation |  |
长波辐射 | zhǎng bō fú shè | long-wave (length) radiation |  |
紫外辐射 | zǐ wài fú shè | ultraviolet radiation |  |
紫外B辐射 | | ultraviolet B radiation / biologically active ultraviolet radiation / biologically effective ultraviolet radiation |  |
原始辐射率 | | raw radiance |  |
不可见辐射 | | invisible radiation |  |
太阳辐射量 | | solar input |  |
阿尔法辐射 | | alpha radiation |  |
成像辐射计 | | imaging radiometer |  |
可见光辐射 | | visible radiation / light radiation |  |
抗辐射群体 | | radiation-resistant population |  |
测辐射热仪 | cè fú shè rè yí | bolometer |  |
反辐射导弹 | fǎn fú shè dǎo dàn | anti-radiation missile |  |
光谱辐照度 | guāng pǔ fú zhào duó | spectral irradiance |  |
红外辐射仪 | hóng wài fú shè yí | infrared radiometer |  |
密封辐射源 | mì fēng fú shè yuán | sealed radiation source |  |
微波辐射仪 | wēi bō fú shè yí | microwave radiometer |  |
远红外辐射 | yuàn hóng wài fú shè | far-infrared radiation |  |
原宇宙辐射 | yuán yǔ zhòu fú shè | primary cosmic radiation |  |
紫外线辐射 | zǐ wài xiàn fú shè | ultraviolet radiation |  |
地球辐射平衡 | | Earth radiation budget / Earth's radiation balance |  |
受过量辐射者 | | over-exposed individual |  |
次级宇宙辐射 | cì jí yǔ zhòu fú shè | secondary cosmic radiation |  |
电磁辐射危害 | diàn cí fú shè wēi hài | electromagnetic radiation hazard / EMR hazards |  |
强化辐射武器 | qiǎng huà fú shè wǔ qì | neutron bomb / enhanced radiation weapon / reduced blast weapon |  |
契伦柯夫辐射 | qì lún kē fú fú shè | Cerenkov radiation |  |
太阳辐射输出 | tài yáng fú shè shū chū | solar output |  |
宇宙背景辐射 | yǔ zhòu bèi jǐng fú shè | cosmic background radiation / cosmic microwave radiation |  |
宇宙辐射卫星 | yǔ zhòu fú shè wèi xīng | Cosmic Radiation Satellite / Hakucho / Corsa B |  |
反向散射的辐射 | | backscattered radiation |  |
微波扫描辐射仪 | | Microwave Scanning Radiometer |  |
国际辐射委员会 | | International Radiation Commission |  |
高本底辐射地区 | | high background radiation area |  |
甚高分辨辐射仪 | | very high resolution radiometer |  |
差比微波辐射仪 | | Differential Microwave Radiometer |  |
世界辐射监测网 | | World Radiation Network |  |
袖珍辐射探测器 | | radiation control pager |  |
遗传辐射敏感性 | | genetic radiosensitivity |  |
门式辐射监测器 | | detector portal system / radiological detection portal / radiation portal monitor |  |
高速反辐射导弹 | | high-speed anti-radiation missile |  |
通道辐射监测器 | | radiation passage monitor |  |
无源微波辐射计 | wú yuán wēi bō fú shè jì | passive microwave radiometer |  |
地球辐射收支试验 | | Earth Radiation Budget Experiment |  |
地球辐射收支卫星 | | Earth Radiation Budget Satellite |  |
循轨迹扫描辐射仪 | | Along Track Scanning Radiometer |  |
国际辐射防护协会 | | International Radiation Protection Association |  |
生物辐射伤害调查 | | Biological Investigations on Radiation Damage |  |
中分辨红外辐射仪 | | Medium Resolution Infrared Radiometer |  |
世界辐射数据中心 | | World Radiation Data Centre |  |
空间辐射研究中心 | | Centre for Space Radiation Studies |  |
有效等向辐射功率 | | effective isotropic radiated power |  |
国际辐射研究卫星 | | International Radiation Investigation Satellite |  |
备用辐射安全系统 | | back-up radiation safety system |  |
地球非热连续辐射 | | terrestrial non-thermal-continuum radiation |  |
电离辐射警告标志 | diàn lí fú shè jǐng gào biāo zhì | ionizing-radiation warning symbol |  |
热红外辐射计实验 | rè hóng wài fú shè jì shí yàn | thermal infrared radiometer experiment |  |
自动防止辐射程序 | zì dòng fáng zhǐ fú shè chéng xù | fail-safe procedures |  |
多道微波扫描辐射计 | | scanning multifrequency microwave radiometer |  |
全球环境辐射监测网 | | Global Environmental Radiation Monitoring Network |  |
国际辐射防护委员会 | | International Commission on Radiological Protection |  |
分阶段辐射内爆武器 | | Staged Radiation Implosion Weapon |  |
切伦科夫辐射计数器 | | Cerenkov radiation detector |  |
反向散射的紫外辐射 | | backscattered ultraviolet radiation |  |
卫星红外辐射光谱仪 | | satellite infrared radiation spectrometer |  |
空中发射反辐射导弹 | | air-launched anti-radiation missile |  |
密封辐射源登记系统 | mì fēng fú shè yuán dēng jì xì tǒng | Sealed Radiation Sources registry |  |
温度垂直廓线辐射仪 | wēn duó chuí zhí kuò xiàn fú shè yí | vertical temperature profile radiometer |  |
等效各向同性辐射功率 | | equivalent isotropically radiated power |  |
国际食品辐射技术设施 | | International Facility for Food Irradiation Technology |  |
阿拉伯辐射防护讨论会 | | Arab Seminar on Radiation Protection |  |
国际辐射健康问题中心 | | International Centre for Radiation Health |  |
食品辐射国际磋商小组 | | International Consultative Group on Food Irradiation |  |
高级甚高分辨度辐射计 | | Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer |  |
被辐射燃料元件切断机 | | irradiated fuel element chopping machine |  |
可见光-热红外辐射计 | | visible and thermal-infrared radiometer |  |
可见光-近红外辐射计 | | visible and near-infrared radiometer |  |
区域间辐射防护培训班 | | Interregional Training Course on Radiation Protection |  |
地面辐射平衡气候学项目 | | Surface Radiation Budget Climatology Project |  |
高分辨率红外辐射探测仪 | | High Resolution Infrared Radiation Sounder |  |
综合释放和辐射效果卫星 | | Combined Release and Radiation Effects Satellite |  |
具有生物活性的紫外辐射 | | ultraviolet B radiation / biologically active ultraviolet radiation / biologically effective ultraviolet radiation |  |
具有生物效应的紫外辐射 | | ultraviolet B radiation / biologically active ultraviolet radiation / biologically effective ultraviolet radiation |  |
红外波谱学和辐射度量学 | | Infra-red Spectroscopy and Radiometry |  |
电离辐射防护中央事务处 | | Service Central de Protection contre les Rayonnements Ionisants |  |
国际辐射单位和测量委员会 | | International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements |  |
国际核和辐射事故科技中心 | | International Scientific and Technological Centre for Nuclear and Radiological Accidents |  |
对辐射产生重要效应的气体 | | radiatively important gas |  |
保护工人免遭电离辐射公约 | | Convention concerning the Protection of Workers against Ionising Radiations |  |
北欧辐射事故紧急互助协定 | | Nordic Mutual Emergency Assistance Agreement in Connection with Radiation Accidents |  |
国际非电离辐射防护委员会 | | International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection |  |
具有生物学作用的紫外线辐射 | | ultra-violet radiation having biological effects |  |
放射源的辐射安全与保安评价 | | Radiation Safety and Security of Radioactive Sources Appraisal |  |
可见光-红外自旋扫描辐射计 | | Visible and Infrared Spin-Scan Radiometer |  |
核事故或辐射紧急情况援助公约 | | Convention on Assistance in the Case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency / Assistance Convention |  |
世界臭氧和紫外线辐射数据中心 | | World Ozone and Ultraviolet Radiation Data Centre |  |
可见光热红外线自转扫描辐射仪 | | Visible-Light Thermal Infrared Spin Scanning Radiometer |  |
核反应堆安全和辐射防护多边基金 | | Multilateral Fund for Nuclear Reactor Safety and Radiation Protection |  |
气候模式中各种辐射编码的相互比较 | | Intercomparison of Radiative Codes in Climate Models |  |
联合国原子辐射影响问题科学委员会 | | United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation |  |
食品辐照的溷合程序国际专题讨论会 | | International Symposium on Combination Processes in Food Irradiation |  |
保护东南太平洋免受辐射污染议定书 | | Protocol for the Protection of the South-East Pacific against Radioactive Contamination |  |
原子能同位素和辐射应用于粮农发展司 | | Division of Isotope and Radiation Applications of Atomic Energy for Food and Agriculture Development |  |
可见光-红外自旋扫描辐射计大气探测器 | | VISSR atmospheric sounder |  |