"使用" • Chinese-English Dictionary

CHARACTERS : Simplified Traditional
PHONETIC : Pinyin Bopomofo EFEO Wade-Giles Yale
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使 shǐ yòng to use / to employ / to apply / to make use of
Results beginning with 使用
使 shǐ yòng zhě user
使 shǐ yòng quán usage rights
使  usage factor
使 shǐ yòng fèi user's fees
使 shǐ yòng liàng volume of use / usage amount
使 shǐ yòng jià zhí usable value
使  access arrangement
使  use of air power
使  usage report
使便 shǐ yòng fāng biàn easy to use / convenient to use
使 shǐ yòng kòng zhì access control
使 shǐ yòng shù liàng usage (i.e. extent of use)
使 shǐ yòng tiáo kuǎn terms of use
使 shǐ yòng wǔ lì use of force
使  doping
使  user agreement
使  Letter of Operational Agreement
使 shǐ yòng xìng shì yàn fleet testing
使 shǐ yòng zhě zhōng jiè user agent
使  access control list
使  multilingualism
使  use of air power
使  polydrug use
使  concept for the use of force
使  use of close air support
使使 shǐ yòng huò wēi xié shǐ yòng hé wǔ qì use or threat of use of nuclear weapons
使  Coordinator for Multilingualism
使  Study Tour on the Utilization of Low-Energy Accelerators
使  Assessment Using Debris Impact Theory
使  Technical Panel on Access to United Nations Data Bases
使  Group of Delegations using French as a Working Language
使  sic utere tuo ut alienum non laedas
使  Guidelines on the Use of Military and Civil Defence Assets in Disaster Relief / Oslo Guidelines
使  Guidelines on the Use of Foreign Military and Civil Defence Assets in Disaster Relief / Oslo Guidelines
Approximate Results for 使用
使 zài shǐ yòng to reuse
使  land use
使  reuse
使  serviceable
使  heavy use
使  overuse
使  improper use
使  carbon-use tax
使 gé lí shǐ yòng contained use
使 guò dù shǐ yòng overutilization
使 tì dài shǐ yòng vicarious use
使 xún huán shǐ yòng recycle / to use in cyclic order
使 yǒu hài shǐ yòng harmful use
使 yōu xiān shǐ yòng priority of use
使 yǒu yì shǐ yòng beneficial utilization
使 zuì jiā shǐ yòng reasonable utilization / optimum use
使  use of forests
使  total use value
使  land use mapping
使  non-use value / non-consumptive value
使  equipment-operating country / equipment-using country
使  equipment use charge
使  commoner
使  non-forest use
使 bù shǐ yòng bǎo zhèng non-use assurances
使 bù shǐ yòng wǔ lì non-use of force
使 bù shǒu xiān shǐ yòng no first use (policy for nuclear weapons) / NFU
使 xiāo hào xìng shǐ yòng consumptive use
使 xiāo jí shǐ yòng zhě passive user
使 xí guàn xìng shǐ yòng habitual use
使 yào wù shǐ yòng zhě drug taker / drug user
使 zuì zhōng shǐ yòng zhě end-user
使  land-use plan
使  total non-use value
使  fleet testing
使  direct use value
使  land-use pattern
使  indirect use value
使  land-use policy
使  land-use planning
使  time-use survey
使  spacecraft operator
使  collective use right
使  Safe Use Initiative
使  weapon training
使 zàn tíng shǐ yòng sǐ xíng moratorium on the use of the death penalty
使寿 zhěng gè shǐ yòng shòu mìng whole-life cost
使  alternate uses of land
使  Land-Use Mapping Office
使  national spectrum usage table
使  indirect use material
使  irresponsible use
使  irresponsible use
使  offensive use of mines
使  mission-approved factor / mission-related factor / mission usage factor / mission factor
使  contraceptive use
使 bì yùn yòng jù shǐ yòng zhě contraceptive user / contraceptor
使 kě zhí jiē shǐ yòng cái liào direct use material
使  loss of containment
使  budgetary transfer
使  Convention concerning Safety in the Use of Asbestos
使  expanded access programme
使  International Computer Driving Licence
使  husband natural resources (v.)
使  quality user
使  non-farm uses of cropland
使  non first use of nuclear weapons / non first use
使  oxygen cylinder including application
使  Programme for the Cooperative Use of Fishing Vessels
使  convention on non-use of nuclear weapons
使 bù wēi xié shǐ yòng hé wǔ qì non-threat of use of nuclear weapons
使 ōu zhōu diàn nǎo shǐ yòng zhí zhào European Computer Driving Licence
使  escape from the contained use
使  rights and access to land
使  use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes / peaceful uses of nuclear energy
使  distribution and use of income accounts
使  recycling of CFCs
使  Technical Panel on Data Base Access
使  convention on the prohibition of the use of nuclear weapons
使  Law on the Use of Flags of the National Minorities
使  non-recyclable material
使 duì shǐ yòng wǔ lì yǒu suǒ kè zhì restraint in the use of force
使  assessment of illicit use by country
使  Declaration concerning the Prohibition of the Use of Expanding Bullets
使  Conference of Experts on the Rational Use of Drugs
使使 bù shǐ yòng huò wēi xié shǐ yòng wǔ lì non-use of force or threat of use of force / non-use of force or threat of force
使 gāo shǐ yòng jí xiàn zhí nài huǒ cái liào high utilization limit refractories
使 hé lǐ shǐ yòng néng yuán jiǎng lì zhì duó Incentive System for the Rational Use of Energy System of Incentives for the Rational Use of Energy on a Regional Basis
使  threat or use of force
使  reduction schedule (for halons)
使  Meeting of Experts on the Use and Distribution of Gas
使  Global March against Child Labour
使  Declaration concerning the Prohibition of the Use of Asphyxiating Gases
使  Information Overload / Information Underuse
使  Advisory Group on the Rational Use of Antibiotics
使  reduction, reuse and recycling
使  European Computer Driving Licence Foundation
使  Military and Civil Defence Assets Field Manual
使  Symposium on Water Use and Conservation
使  Interdepartmental Working Group on Land Use Planning
使  web-accessible training material
使  Decade for the Sustainable Production and Use of Energy
使  Convention concerning the Use of White Lead in Painting
使  Convention on the Law of the Non-navigational Uses of International Watercourses
使  Asia-Pacific Seminar on the Use of Purchasing-Power Parities
使  Convention on the Law Applicable to Succession to the Estates of Deceased Persons
使  Convention concerning Safety in the use of Chemicals at Work
使  Protocol on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Naval Mines
使  Association of Partially or Wholly French-Language Universities
使  study on Safety in the Use of Biotechnology
使  Expert Group Meeting on Methods for Conducting Time-Use Surveys
使  convention on the industrial and agricultural uses of international rivers and lakes
使  International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides
使  Land-Use and Cover Change project
使  Enlarged Access to Fund's Resources
使  International Classification of Activities for Time-Use Statistics
使  Declaration on Refraining from the Threat or Use of Force
使  Women Trafficking and Child Labour Eradication Foundation
使  Act of Asunción on the use of international rivers
使  reduction, reuse, recycling and recovery
使  Principles Relevant to the Use of Nuclear Power Sources in Outer Space
使  Declaration on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear and Thermonuclear Weapons
使使 yì wài shǐ yòng huò wèi jīng shòu quán shǐ yòng hé wǔ qì accidental or unauthorized use of nuclear weapons
使  World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry
使  Seminar on the Use of Electric Energy in the Chemical Industry
使  Sub-Committee on the Law of the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses
使  Special Rapporteur on the law of the non-navigational uses of international watercourses / Special Rapporteur on international watercourses
使  Bellagio Agreement concerning the Use of Transboundary Groundwaters
使  Working Group on the Use of Nuclear Power Sources in Outer Space
使  Directive on the contained use of genetically modified micro-organisms
使  Cairo International Conference on Dissemination and Use of Census Data
使  United Nations Convention on the Use of Electronic Communications in International Contracts
使 gāng tiě gōng yè néng yuán shǐ yòng mú shì biàn huà zhuān jiā zǔ Group of Experts on the Changing Pattern of Energy Use in the Iron and Steel Industry
使  Basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials
使  Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes
使  illegal use of information and telecommunications systems and information resources
使  Middle East and North Africa Regional Conference on the Use of Child Soldiers
使  Recommendation concerning Safety in the Use of Chemicals at Work
使  International Convention on the Non-use of Nuclear Weapons and Prevention of Nuclear War
使  ECE Standard Statistical Classification of Land Use
使  Group of Experts to Investigate Reports on the Alleged Use of Chemical Weapons
使  Guidelines for Monitoring the Availability and Use of Obstetric Services
使  Helsinki Rules on the Uses of the Waters of International Rivers / Helsinki Rules on the Uses of International Rivers
使  Land-Use Management and Agro-Forestry Development in Dosso, Niger
使  Latin American Federation of International Transport Users' Councils
使  World Conference on Doping in Sport
使  Guidelines of Best Agricultural Practice to Optimize Fertilizer Use
使  International Convention against Doping in Sport
使  Working Group on Countering the Use of the Internet for Terrorist Purposes
使  United Nations Seminar on Remote Sensing Applications to Land use Planning
使  Expert Group Meeting on Measuring the Dynamics of Contraceptive Use
使  world treaty on the non-use of force in international relations
使  Convention concerning the Age for Admission of Children to Employment in Agriculture
使  Symposium on Integrated Crop Protection and Rational Use of Pesticides in Agriculture
使  New York Declaration against Drug Trafficking and the Illicit Use of Drugs
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