热扩散 | | thermal diffusion | |
反扩散 | | counter-proliferation | |
核扩散 | hé kuò sàn | nuclear proliferation | |
核不扩散 | hé bù kuò sàn | nuclear nonproliferation | |
纵向扩散 | | vertical proliferation | |
涡流扩散 | | eddy diffusion / turbulent diffusion | |
过度扩展 | | overextension | |
比例扩大 | | scale exaggeration / exaggeration | |
垂直扩大 | chuí zhí kuò dài | vertical exaggeration (of a profile) | |
海底扩张 | hǎi dǐ kuò zhāng | seafloor spreading (geology) | |
基因扩大 | jī yīn kuò dà | gene amplification | |
可扩放性 | kě kuò fàng xìng | scalability | |
门限扩展 | mén xiàn kuò zhǎn | threshold extension | |
气体扩散 | qì tǐ kuò sàn | gaseous diffusion | |
水平扩大 | shuǐ píng kuò dài | horizontal exaggeration | |
气体扩散膜 | | gaseous diffusion barrier / diffusion barrier | |
海底扩张轴 | | spreading axis | |
感觉扩张药 | | consciousness expanders | |
海底扩张说 | hǎi dǐ kuò zhāng shuō | theory of seafloor spreading (geology) | |
贸易扩展科 | mào yì kuò zhǎn kē | Trade Expansion Section | |
五个扩大国 | wǔ gè kuò dài guó | Outreach Five | |
1977年不扩散法 | | Non-Proliferation Act of 1977 | |
气体扩散级联 | | gaseous diffusion cascade / diffusion cascade | |
弧后扩张中心 | | back-arc rift / back-arc spreading centre | |
北草坪扩建楼 | | North Lawn extension | |
不扩散核武器 | | non-proliferation of nuclear weapons / nuclear non-proliferation | |
湍流扩散模式 | | turbulent diffusion model | |
激活扩散网络 | jī huó kuò sàn wǎng luò | spread activation model | |
贸易扩展方案 | mào yì kuò zhǎn fāng àn | Trade Expansion Programme | |
1978年核不扩散法 | | Nuclear Non-Proliferation Act of 1978 | |
城市无计划扩展 | | urban sprawl | |
子宫扩刮术器械 | | dilation and curettage instruments set | |
国际防扩散体系 | | international non-proliferation regime | |
多边防扩散体系 | | multilateral non-proliferation regime | |
冻结定居点扩建 | dòng jié dìng jū diǎn kuò jiàn | Israeli settlement freeze / settlement freeze | |
可扩展标记语言 | kě kuò zhǎn biāo jì yǔ yán | extensible markup language (XML) | |
宽屏扩展图形阵列 | | wide extended graphics array | |
双船地震扩展排列 | | expanding spread profiling / expanded spread | |
负责任的扩散控制 | | responsible proliferation control | |
消灭嵴灰扩展计划 | | PolioPlus | |
南亚核不扩散会议 | | conference on nuclear non-proliferation in South Asia | |
亚洲贸易扩大计划 | | Asian Trade Expansion Programme | |
千年发展目标扩展 | | Millennium Development Goals Plus / MDG-Plus | |
技术援助扩大方桉 | | Expanded Programme of Technical Assistance | |
不扩散的一般准则 | | General guidelines for non-proliferation | |
一般服务扩展计划 | | Extended General Service Scheme | |
欧盟扩大事务专员 | | European Union Commissioner for Enlargement | |
减少威胁扩展倡议 | | Expanded Threat Reduction Initiative | |
不扩散核武器条约 | Bù Kuò sàn Hé wǔ qì Tiáo yuē | Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons | |
核酸序列扩增检测 | hé suān xù liè kuò zēng jiǎn cè | nucleic acid sequence-based amplification test / NASBA test | |
活态物理扩展课程 | huó tài wù lǐ kuò zhǎn kè chéng | extended course on physics of the living state | |
可扩展商业报告语言 | | eXtensible Business Reporting Language | |
可扩展样式转换语言 | | XSLT / Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations | |
与扩散有关联的物项 | | item of proliferation concern | |
不扩散条约审议大会 | | Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons / NPT Review Conference | |
全球全面不扩散制度 | | comprehensive global regime of non-proliferation | |
利伯维尔扩大委员会 | | Enlarged Committee of Libreville | |
协调扩展污染管制行动 | | Coordinated Extended Pollution Control Operations | |
可扩展超文本标记语言 | | Extensible HyperText Markup Language | |
不扩散条约专家委员会 | | Zangger Committee / Non-Proliferation Treaty Exporters Committee / Nuclear Exporters Committee | |
电子商务扩展标记语言 | | electronic business eXtended Markup Language / electronic business XML | |
济州裁军和不扩散进程 | | Jeju Process on Disarmament and Non-Proliferation | |
互联网服务扩展工作队 | | Task Force on Expansion of Internet Services | |
加强全球裁军与防扩散 | | Strengthening Global Disarmament and Non-Proliferation | |
关于不扩散的联合声明 | | Joint Statement on Non-Proliferation | |
南亚核不扩散国际会议 | | International Conference on Nuclear Non-Proliferation in South Asia | |
与扩散活动有关联的实体 | | actor of proliferation concern | |
防扩散安全倡议拦截原则 | | Interdiction Principles for the Proliferation Security Initiative | |
伊拉克不扩散方桉基金会 | | Iraqi Non-Proliferation Programs Foundation | |
动力供应扩大一揽子计划 | | power extension package | |
核不扩散和裁军东京论坛 | | Tokyo Forum for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament | |
进入扩大规模的制造阶段 | | scale up (v.) | |
国家禁止扩散小武器委员会 | | national commission against the proliferation of small arms | |
被占领土扩大援助方桉基金 | | Expanded Programme of Assistance in the Occupied Territory Fund / EPA Fund | |
不扩散条约审议和延期会议 | | 1995 Review and Extension Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons / NPT Review and Extension Conference | |
国家制止小武器扩散委员会 | | National Commission to Combat the Proliferation of Light Weapons | |
中美洲轻武器扩散问题论坛 | | Central American Forum on the Proliferation of Light Weapons | |
海洋勘测研究长期扩大方案 | hǎi yáng kān cè yán jiū zhǎng qī kuò dài fāng àn | Long-Term and Expanded Programme of Oceanic Exploration and Research | |
不限成员名额主席团扩大会议 | | Open-ended Enlarged Bureau Meeting | |
贸易扩展和经济合作叁方协定 | | Tripartite Agreement on Trade Expansion and Economic Cooperation | |
伊拉克扩大人道主义应急基金 | | Expanded Humanitarian Response Fund for Iraq / Expanded Humanitarian Response Fund | |
法苏关于不扩散核武器的宣言 | | Franco-Soviet Declaration on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons | |
核战争、核扩散及其后果会议 | | Conference on Nuclear War, Nuclear Proliferation and their Consequences | |
不扩散核武器条约缔约国会议 | | Conference of Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons | |
核不扩散和核裁军国际委员会 | | International Commission on Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament | |
森林生物多样性扩大工作方案 | sēn lín shēng wù duō yàng xìng kuò dài gōng zuò fāng àn | Expanded Programme of Work on Forest Biological Diversity | |
国际工程师和科学家反扩散网络 | | International Network of Engineers and Scientists Against Proliferation | |
达尔富尔问题联络小组扩大会议 | | Enlarged Contact Group on Darfur; | |
防止弹道导弹扩散国际行为守则 | | International Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missile Proliferation / The Hague Code of Conduct | |
关于协调扩展北海管辖权的宣言 | | Declaration on the Coordinated Extension of Jurisdiction in the North Sea | |
武器转让和不扩散问题五国会议 | | Meeting of the five on arms transfers and non-proliferation | |
研究和扩展学会-国际科学协会 | | Studies and Expansion Society - International Scientific Association | |
核不扩散与核裁军的原则和目标 | | Principles and Objectives for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament | |
不扩散核武器条约缔约国审议大会 | | Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons / NPT Review Conference | |
南亚小武器和轻武器扩散问题会议 | | Conference on Small Arms and Light Weapons Proliferation in South Asia | |
欧盟防止大规模毁灭性武器扩散战略 | | European Union Strategy against Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction | |
亚太小武器扩散和贸易问题国际会议 | | International Conference on Small Arms Proliferation and Trade in the Asia Pacific | |
不扩散导弹和导弹技术全球控制系统 | | Global Control System for Non-Proliferation of Missiles and Missile Technologies / Global Control System | |
达尔富尔问题国际联络小组扩大会议 | | Enlarged Contact Group on Darfur; | |
不扩散核武器条约缔约国2000年审议大会 | | 2000 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons / 2000 Review Conference | |
不扩散核武器条约缔约国2010年审议大会 | | 2010 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons | |
不扩散核武器条约缔约国2005年审议大会 | | 2005 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons | |
建立反腐败国家集团的部分和扩大协定 | | Partial and Enlarged Agreement Establishing the Group of States against Corruption | |
制止小武器和轻武器扩散区域执行计划 | | Regional Implementation Plan on Combating the Proliferation of Small Arms and Light Weapons | |
发展中国家间扩展和经济一体化特别方桉 | | Special Programme on Trade Expansion and Economic Integration among Developing Countries | |
世卫组织扩大免疫方桉全球咨询小组会议 | | WHO Global Advisory Group Meeting on the Expanded Programme on Immunization | |