社会福利 | shè huì fú lì | social welfare | |
社会福利社 | | Social Welfare Society | |
社会福利专员 | | Social Welfare Specialist | |
发展性社会福利政策和方桉区域间协商 | | Interregional Consultation on Developmental Social Welfare Policies and Programmes | |
社会福利部长峰会 | | Summit Meeting of Social Welfare Ministers | |
青年和社会福利科 | | Youth and Social Welfare Section | |
欧洲社会福利政策和研究中心 | | European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research | |
亚洲社会福利和发展训练研究中心 | | Asian Centre for Training and Research in Social Welfare and Development | |
社会福利和发展中心 | | Social Welfare and Development Centre | |
国际社会福利理事会 | | International Council on Social Welfare | |
卫生和社会福利部 | | Ministry of Health and Social Welfare | |
两性平等、儿童和社会福利部 | | Ministry of Gender, Child and Social Welfare | |
国际社会福利会议 | | International Conference on Social Welfare | |
亚太社会福利和社会发展部长级会议 | | Asian and Pacific Ministerial Conference on Social Welfare and Social Development | |
欧洲主管社会福利部长会议 | | Conference of European Ministers Responsible for Social Welfare | |
社会福利和社会发展部长区域会议 | | Regional Conference of Ministers of Social Welfare and Social Development | |
社会支助服务 | | social support services / social welfare services | |
社会福利服务 | | social support services / social welfare services | |
负责社会福利的部长国际会议 | | International Conference of Ministers Responsible for Social Welfare | |
儿童、妇女和社会福利部 | | Ministry of Children, Women and Social Welfare | |
劳动和社会福利部 | | Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare | |
卫生和社会福利管理局 | | Administrative Department of Health and Social Welfare | |
社会福利的组织和行政区域间专家组会议 | | Interregional Expert Meeting on Social Welfare Organization and Administration | |
关于整合社会福利系统的联合声明 | | Joint Statement on Reintegration of the Social Welfare System | |
欧洲大学社会福利研究所 | | Inter-University European Institute on Social Welfare | |
泛阿拉伯社会福利政策区域会议 | | Pan-Arab Regional Conference on Social Welfare Policies | |
社会福利和劳工秘书处 | | Social Welfare and Labour Secretariat | |
社会福利服务的标准和立法专家组会议 | | Expert Group Meeting on Standards and Legislation for Social Welfare Services | |
社会福利政策和规划专家组会议 | | Expert Group Meeting on Social Welfare Policy and Planning | |
计划生育的社会福利方面专家组会议 | | Expert Group Meeting on Social Welfare Aspects of Family Planning | |
至2000年阿拉伯社会福利政策会议 | | Arab Conference on Social Welfare Policies up to the year 2000 | |
改进社会福利人员训练工作专家组会议 | | Expert Group Meeting on Improvement of Training and Social Welfare Personnel | |
计划生育的社会福利方面区域间专家会议 | | Interregional Meeting of Experts on the Social Welfare Aspects of Family Planning | |
欧洲国家社会福利研究记者网 | | European Network of National Social Welfare Research Correspondents | |