劳动力市场 | láo dòng lì shì chǎng | labour market | |
劳动生产率 | láo dòng shēng chǎn lu:4 | labour productivity | |
人工成本 | rén gōng chéng běn | labour cost | |
合同工 | hé tòng gōng | contract labour | |
史卓 | Shǐ zhuó | Straw (name) / Jack Straw (1946-), UK Labour Party politician, foreign secretary 2001-2006 | |
国际劳工局 | guó jì láo gōng jú | International Labour Office | |
劳动力资源 | láo dòng lì zī yuán | labour resources | |
临时工作 | lín shí gōng zuò | casual labour | |
强迫或强制劳动公约 | | Convention concerning Forced or Compulsory Labour | |
劳工核算系统 | láo gōng hé suàn xì tǒng | labour accounting system | |
旅游业劳工核算体系 | lu:3 yóu yè láo gōng hé suàn tǐ xì | labour accounting system for tourism | |
世界无童工日 | shì jiè wú tóng gōng rì | World Day against Child Labour | |
劳力供应 | | labour supply | |
劳动力调查 | | labour force survey | |
劳动效率 | | efficiency of labour | |
劳工统计年鉴 | láo gōng tǒng jì nián jiàn | Yearbook of Labour Statistics | |
美洲劳工管理中心 | | Inter-American Center for Labour Administration | |
非洲童工问题叁方会议 | | Tripartite meeting on Child Labour in Africa | |
亚太劳工管理项目 | yà tài láo gōng guǎn lǐ xiàng mù | Asian and Pacific Project for Labour Administration | |
亚洲区域童工问题讲习班 | yà zhōu qū yù tóng gōng wèn tí jiǎng xí bān | Asian Regional Workshop on Child Labour | |
雅温得非洲区域劳工管理中心 | | African Regional Centre for Labour Administration, Yaoundé | |
劳工与南非合营 | | Conference on Labour and South Africa | |
强迫劳役 | qiǎng pò láo yì | hard labour | |
哈拉雷非洲区域劳工管理中心 | | African Regional Labour Administration Centre, Harare | |
亚洲劳工和人口政策专题讨论会 | | Asian Symposium on Labour and Population Policies | |
加勒比劳工行政中心 | | Caribbean Labour Administration Centre | |
海上劳工标准叁方会议 | | Tripartite Meeting on Maritime Labour Standards | |
加拿大和智利劳务合作协定 | | Canada-Chile Agreement on Labour Cooperation | |
世界劳工联合会 | | World Confederation of Labour | |
消除贩运妇女和使用童工基金会 | | Women Trafficking and Child Labour Eradication Foundation | |
巴黎劳工和报酬小组 | | Paris Group on Labour and Compensation | |
帝汶工党 | | Timor Labour Party | |
法律问题和国际劳工标准委员会 | | Committee on Legal Issues and International Labour Standards | |
阿拉伯劳工就业移民政策专家组会议 | | Expert Group Meeting on Employment Migration Policies of the Arab Labour Force | |
消减人员 | xiāo jiǎn rén yuán | labour shedding | |
劳工移徙多边框架 | láo gōng yí xǐ duō bian kuàng jià | Multilateral Framework on Labour Migration | |
禁奴公约 | | Slavery Convention / Slavery, Servitude, Forced Labour and Similar Institutions and Practices Convention | |
社会事务和劳工部 | | Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour | |
国际劳动法和社会立法学会 | | International Society for Labour and Social Security Law | |
劳动行政 | | labour administration | |
亚洲及太平洋劳工和人口工作队 | | Labour and Population Team for Asia and the Pacific | |
抵押劳工 | dǐ yā láo gōng | bonded labour | |
债役工 | zhài yì gōng | bonded labour | |
阿拉伯劳工行政区域中心 | | Regional Arab Centre for Labour Administration | |
农业劳动监察公约 | | Convention concerning Labour Inspection in Agriculture | |
劳工权利 | láo gōng quán lì | labour rights | |
国际劳工统计学家会议 | | International Conference of Labour Statisticians | |
国际劳工组织理事会 | | International Labour Organization Governing Body / ILO Governing Body | |
社会事务和劳工处 | | Office of Social Affairs and Labour | |
移民工人的招募、安置和劳动条件公约 | | Convention concerning the Recruitment, Placing and Conditions of Labour of Migrants for Employment | |
废止强迫劳动公约 | | Convention concerning the Abolition of Forced Labour | |
公共合同劳动条款公约 | | Convention concerning Labour Clauses in Public Contracts | |
1947年劳动监察公约1995年议定书 | | Protocol of 1995 to the Labour Inspection Convention, 1947 | |
非本部领土结社权利和解决劳工争端公约 | | Convention concerning the Right of Association and the Settlement of Labour Disputes in Non-Metropolitan Territories | |
叁方协商促进履行国际劳工标准公约 | | Convention concerning Tripartite Consultations to Promote the Implementation of International Labour Standards | |
非本部领土劳动监察员公约 | | Convention concerning Labour Inspectorates in Non-Metropolitan Territories | |
工商业劳动监察公约 | | Convention concerning Labour Inspection in Industry and Commerce | |
在非本部领土适用国际劳工标准公约 | | Convention concerning the Application of International Labour Standards to Non-Metropolitan Territories | |
劳动统计公约 | | Convention concerning Labour Statistics | |
基于性别的分工 | | gender-based division of labour | |
性别分工 | | gender-based division of labour | |
向童工现象亮红牌 | xiàng tóng gōng xiàn xiàng liàng hóng pái | Red Card to Child Labour | |
最恶劣形式的童工劳动 | | the worst forms of child labour | |
联邦工业技艺劳工局 | lián bāng gōng yè jì yì láo gōng jú | Federal Office of Industry, Trades and Labour | |
工业、贸易和劳工部 | | Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labour | |
反对使用童工全球大游行 | | Global March against Child Labour | |
劳工信息数据库 | | Labour Information Data-Base | |
国际劳工信息系统 | | International Labour Information System | |
劳工信息和统计部 | | Labour Information and Statistics Department | |
卫生、劳工和社会保障问题常设委员会 | | Permanent Committee on Health, Labour and Social Security | |
劳工统计 | | labour statistics | |
国际劳工组织行政法庭 | | International Labour Organization Administrative Tribunal | |
海牙全球童工问题会议 | | Hague Global Child Labour Conference | |
国际工运历史学家会议 | | International Conference on Labour Historians | |
家务劳动 | | domestic labour | |
劳工和社会服务司 | | Division of Labour and Social Services | |
劳工、技能和社会保障专家级会议 | | Expert-Level Meeting on Labour, Know-how and Social Security | |
劳工和社会事务部 | | Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs | |
阿拉伯湾国家劳工和社会事务部长理事会 | | Council of Ministers of Labour and Social Affairs in the Arab Gulf Countries | |
劳动和社会福利部 | | Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare | |
社会福利和劳工秘书处 | | Social Welfare and Labour Secretariat | |
劳工统计数据库 | | Labour Statistics Data Bank | |
费城宣言 | | Declaration concerning the aims and purposes of the International Labour Organisation / Declaration of Philadelphia | |
国际劳工法 | | international labour law | |
消除童工现象部门间项目 | | Interdepartmental Projet on Elimination of Child Labour | |
国际劳工研究所 | | International Institute for Labour Studies | |
国家劳工科学研究所 | | National Institute of Labour Science | |
主管一般和劳工关系部门的副总干事 | | Deputy Director-General for the General and Labour Relations Sector | |
劳工和人口政策队 | | Labour and Population Policy Team | |
国际劳工组织章程 | | Constitution of the International Labour Organisation / ILO Constitution | |
国际童工问题会议 | | International Conference on Child Labour | |
消灭童工现象国际计划 | | International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour | |
人口与劳动力数据库 | | Population and Labour Force Database | |
西南非洲劳工联合会 | | South West African Confederation of Labour | |
南非劳工事务协调理事会 | | South African Coordinating Council on Labour Affairs | |
南部非洲劳工委员会 | | Southern African Labour Commission | |
阿姆斯特丹童工问题会议 | | Amsterdam Child Labour Conference | |
不结盟和其他发展中国家劳工部长会议 | | Conference of Labour Ministers of Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries | |
非洲劳工部长会议 | | Conference of African Labour Ministers | |
强迫或强制劳动 | | forced and compulsory labour | |