非统组织助理秘书长 | fēi tǒng zǔ zhī zhù lǐ mì shū zhǎng | Assistant Secretary-General of the OAU | |
非统组织难民问题十五国委员会 | | OAU Commission of Fifteen on Refugees | |
非统组织人口与发展政策方桉 | | OAU Population and Development Policy Programme | |
非统组织防止和打击恐怖主义公约 | | OAU Convention on the Prevention and Combating of Terrorism | |
非统组织特设调解委员会 | | OAU Ad Hoc Mediation Committee | |
非统组织调解和解委员会 | | OAU Commission of Mediation and Reconciliation | |
非统组织卫生和营养局 | | OAU Health and Nutrition Bureau | |
非统组织非洲难民安置和教育局 | | OAU Bureau for the Placement and Education of African Refugees | |
非统组织难民事务局 | | OAU Bureau for Refugees | |
非统组织成员国贸易部长会议 | | Conference of Trade Ministers of OAU Member Countries | |
非统组织布隆迪特派团 | | OAU Mission in Burundi | |
非统组织部长级指导委员会 | | OAU Ministerial Steering Committee | |
非统组织解放基金 | | OAU Liberation Fund | |
非统组织特别难民应急基金 | | OAU Special Refugee Contingency Fund | |
非统组织非洲安全与合作会议 | | OAU Conference for Security and Cooperation in Africa | |
非统组织援助非洲儿童国际会议 | | OAU International Conference on Assistance to African Children | |
非统组织成员国共同行动纲要 | | Common Platform for Action Among Member States of the OAU | |
非统组织特设宪章审议委员会 | | OAU Ad Hoc Charter Review Committee | |
非统组织防务委员会 | | OAU Defence Commission | |