"Ride" • Chinese-English Dictionary

CHARACTERS : Simplified Traditional
PHONETIC : Pinyin Bopomofo EFEO Wade-Giles Yale
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 chéng zuò to ride (in a vehicle)
 qí to sit astride / to ride (a horse, bike etc) / classifier for saddle horses
 chéng chē to ride (in a car or carriage) / to drive / to motor
 dā chē to ride (in a vehicle) / to get a lift / to hitch-hike
 dài bù to get around using a conveyance (car, bicycle, sedan chair etc) / to ride (or drive) / means of transportation
 zǒu mǎ to ride (a horse) / to go on horseback
 jià to harness / to draw (a cart etc) / to drive / to pilot / to sail / to ride / your good self / prefixed word denoting respect (polite 敬辭|敬辞[jing4 ci2])
 qí zuò to sit astride / to ride
 qí xíng to ride (a bicycle, horse, motorbike etc) / cycling / horseback riding / motorbike riding / a ride / CL:次[ci4]
 qí mǎ to ride a horse
 qí chē to ride a bike (motorbike or bicycle)
 dā chéng to ride as a passenger / to travel by (car, plane etc)
 chéng fēng to ride the wind / to use a fair wind / to take an opportunity
 zǎi gē to slaughter / (fig.) to ride roughshod over / to take advantage of (others)
 pǎo mǎ horse race / to ride a horse at a fast pace / (dialect) wet dream
 zǒu mǎ shàng rèn to ride to take up an official appointment (idiom) / to take on a job with alacrity / to undertake a task
 qí hǔ nán xià if you ride a tiger, it's hard to get off (idiom) / fig. impossible to stop halfway
 gāng fēng in Daoism, astral wind on which immortals may ride / strong wind
便 dā biàn chē to hitch a ride
 cháng fēng pò làng lit. to ride the wind and crest the waves / to be ambitious and unafraid (idiom)
 shì chéng qí hǔ if you ride a tiger, it's hard to get off (idiom) / fig. impossible to stop halfway
 jī quǎn shēng tiān lit. poultry and dogs rise to Heaven (idiom) / fig. to ride on sb else's success / Once one man gets a government position, all his cronies get in too / Once sb has cracked the problem, every Tom, Dick and Harry can do it
 chéng jiān cè féi to live in luxury / lit. to ride a solid carriage pulled by fat horses
 bān lóng fù fèng hitching a ride to the sky on the dragon and phoenix (idiom) / fig. currying favor with the rich and powerful in the hope of advancement
 zǒu mǎ dào rèn to ride to take up an official appointment (idiom) / to take on a job with alacrity / to undertake a task
 zǒu mǎ fù rèn to ride to take up an official appointment (idiom) / to take on a job with alacrity / to undertake a task
 yì chén duàn yāng lit. kicking up the dust and breaking the harness / fig. to ride like the wind (idiom)
 fēi yīng zǒu mǎ to ride out hawking (idiom) / to hunt
 qí hè shàng Yáng zhōu lit. to ride a crane to Yangzhou (idiom) / to get an official position
 yī rén dé dào , jī quǎn shēng tiān lit. when a man achieves the Dao, his poultry and dogs rise to Heaven (idiom) / fig. to ride on sb else's success / Once one man gets a government position, all his cronies get in too / Once sb has cracked the problem, every Tom, Dick and Harry can do it
 chéng lóng to ride the dragon / to die (of emperors and kings)
 gòng chéng to ride together / to carpool
 píng líng to ride roughshod over / to encroach
 dā zuò to travel by / to ride on
 kuà hè Yáng zhōu lit. to ride a crane to Yangzhou / to become a Daoist immortal / to die
 shùn fēng chē vehicle that gives one a free ride / (fig.) (ride on sb's) coattails / (take advantage of) an opportunity
 jià yún to ride the clouds / fig. self-satisfied / arrogant
 qí hè to ride a crane (as a Daoist adept)
 chéng dā to ride as a passenger (in a car, boat, plane etc)
 cèng chē (coll.) to ride in sb else's car to save money / to ride on a train or bus without buying a ticket (fare-dodging)
 jiào chē to call a cab (by phone) / to request a ride (via an app)
 bù niǎn (literary) palanquin / sedan chair / to ride in a palanquin
 dié yīn bó ride cymbal (drum kit component)
 fēng huǒ lún (martial arts) wind-and-fire wheel, weapon used in hand-to-hand fighting / (Daoism) a magical pair of wheels on which one can stand to ride at great speed, used by Nezha 哪吒[Ne2 zha5] / (fig.) never-ending treadmill
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