- 他一步一步地拾级而上。
He went up the steps slowly.
- 我们一步一步地踏进了冰冷的水里。
We waded into the cold water inch by inch.
- 英文是要一步一步的学的。
You have to study English step by step.
- 他想进一步了解他们。
He wanted to know more about the flowers.
- 告诉我们下一步该怎么做。
Tell us what to do next.
- 问题是下一步要做什么。
What to do next is the question.
- 你们应该收集进一步的信息。
You must gather further information.
- 你会发现它用几页纸进一步作了说明。
You will find it stated a few pages further on.