- 这次面试的意义是评断你合不合适这家公司。
The purpose of this interview is to assess whether or not you are suitable for the company.
- 他们在不合适的时间来了。
They came at an inconvenient time.
- 这本教科书不合时了。
That textbook is out of date.
- 他这次测验不合格可不是开玩笑的。
His failing the test is no laughing matter.
- 我那个年代的学生大多不读书,但考试却不会不合格。
In our time, there were many students who passed the graduation exam without studying.
- 你的鞋子和衣服不合衬。
Your shoes do not go with the suit.
- 50个申请人中有20个不合格。
There were 20 failures among 50 applicants.