bù zhī


  • not to know
  • unaware
  • unknowingly
  • fig. not to admit (defeat, hardships, tiredness etc)


  • 你知不知道他们是谁?
    Do you know who they are?
  • 玛莉亚既不知道他的名字,也不知道他的电话号码。
    Maria knew neither his name nor his phone number.
  • 她问我知不知道他的地址。
    She asked me if I knew his address.
  • 我知道他的名字,但不知道他长什么样。
    I know him by name, but not by sight.
  • 知者不言,言者不知
    He who knows does not speak, he who speaks does not know.
  • 以前的人不知道地球是圆的,也不知道地球是绕著太阳转的。
    Formerly people did not know that the earth is round and that it moves round the sun.
  • 谁也不知道为甚么。
    Heaven knows why.
  • 不知道该怎么办。
    I have no idea of what to do.
  • 很多经济学家都不知道这点。
    Many economists are ignorant of that fact.
  • 谁也不知道将来会发生甚么事。
    There is no telling what will happen in the future.
Chinese Tones