bù jīn


  • can't help (doing sth)
  • can't refrain from



  • 我们看见远处传来了一点光,不禁都鬆了一口气。
    We felt relieved when we saw a light in the distance.
  • 看着眼前淒凉的景象,我们不禁流下了泪来。
    The pitiful sight moved us to tears.
  • 不禁想我的儿子一直都在生。
    I cannot help thinking that my son is still alive.
  • 这首歌太感人了,使我不禁流下了眼泪。
    This song is so moving that it brings tears to my eyes.
  • 他的信写得很亲切,她读了以后不禁感动得哭了起来。
    So friendly was his letter that she was deeply moved and began to cry.
Chinese Tones