- 越来越多国家随着中国的发展而希望跟中国有好的关系。
As China develops, more and more countries want to have good relations with it.
- 中国是个巨大的国家。
China is a huge country.
- 中国古代没有猫,现在我们所熟悉的猫其实是很晚才由国外传入中国的。
In ancient China there were no cats; the cat that we are familiar with today was not imported into China from abroad until much later.
- 预计只有几百只遗留的熊猫,其中的少数抚养在中国和国外的动物园。
It is estimated that only a few hundred pandas remain, with a small number of them being raised in zoos in China and abroad.
- 中国是亚洲最大的国家。
China is the largest country in Asia.
- 中国农历年的一月一日为春节,是中国人民最隆重的传统节日。
The first day of the first month in the Chinese lunar calendar is Spring Festival, the most important festival for the people of China.
- 我从中国来了。
I came from China.
- 这个漫画在中国蛮火。
This manga is pretty popular in China.
- 他从中国回来了。
He came back from China.
- 只要你好好学中文,你就能去中国读书了。
If you learn Chinese well, you can go study in China.