- 入乡随俗。
When in Rome do as the Romans.
- 汤姆回乡下了。
Tom went back to his hometown.
- 我的家乡非常漂亮。
My hometown is very pretty.
- 他在乡村里过著无忧无虑的生活。
He is leading an easy life in the country.
- 当我住在乡下的时候,我几乎没有访客。
Living in the country, I have few visitors.
- 乡村生活比都市生活健康。
Country life is healthier than city life.
- 在中国的旁边,瑞士像一个荒废的乡村似的。
Next to China, Switzerland is an abandoned village.
- 和都市生活相比,乡村生活和谐多了。
Country life is very peaceful in comparison with city life.