
  • five
  • 5



  • 一万加千再加角,加起来就是一万千零角。
    Ten thousand plus five thousand and five cents make fifteen thousand and five cents.
  • 她二十歲的时候,就已经在个不同的国家住过。
    By the age of 25, she had lived in 5 different countries before.
  • 的二次方是二十
    The square of 5 is 25.
  • 他会说国语言。
    He can speak five languages.
  • 请于点钟到机场接我。
    Please pick me up at the airport at five.
  • 公司有百个职员。
    The company employs 500 workers.
  • 这班有十个学生。
    The class consists of fifty students.
  • 我父亲有十岁。
    My father is fifty years old.
  • 雨连续下了天。
    The rain lasted five days.
  • 入场费只需元。
    Admission to the show is $5.
Chinese Tones