- 鹦鹉懂得模仿人类说话。
Parrots imitate human speech.
- 癌症是人类的大敌。
Cancer is a great enemy of humanity.
- 人类是环境的产物。
Man is a creature of circumstances.
- 以前人们以为只有人类才懂得用语言沟通。
People used to think that only humans could use language.
- 骄傲是人类的弱点。
Human pride is human weakness.
- 人类适应环境变化的能力很强。
Man has a great capacity to adapt to environmental changes.
- 音乐是人类共通的语言。
Music is a common speech for humanity.
- 我们真正的国籍是人类。
Our true nationality is mankind.
- 爱是人类文明的奇蹟。
Love is the miracle of civilization.
- 猪与人类的一些特性相同。
Pigs share certain characteristics with human beings.