- 他们从人群中挤过去了。
They made their way through the crowd.
- 人群从体育馆中湧了出来。
The crowd poured out of the stadium.
- 他设法穿过了人群。
He made his way through the crowd.
- 人群聚集在这条街上。
A crowd gathered on this street.
- 在人群中,我们失去了那个男人的踪影。
We lost sight of the man in the crowd.
- 我在人群中看见了她。
I caught sight of her in the crowd.
- 我穿过了人群向前走。
I made my way through the crowd.
- 小偷迅速地窜入了人群。
The thief whipped out into the crowd.
- 我差点在人群中和你失散了。
I all but lost you in the crowd.