chōng mǎn


  • full of
  • brimming with
  • very full
  • permeated



  • 日本充满惊奇。
    Japan is full of surprises!
  • 小镇充满了活力。
    The town was full of activity.
  • 充满活力。
    He is full of energy.
  • 她的脑袋充满了新点子。
    Her head was bursting with new ideas.
  • 你的脑袋充满了新点子。
    Your head was bursting with new ideas.
  • 百合的香气充满了整个房间。
    A smell of lilies filled the room.
  • 乔治对自己的新工作充满热情。
    George is very enthusiastic about his new job.
  • 人生充满了高低起伏。
    Life is full of ups and downs.
  • 她心中充满了成为女演员的梦想。
    Her mind is filled with dreams of becoming an actress.
  • 年轻人通常都是充满活力的。
    Young people are usually full of energy.
Chinese Tones