- 管理一间公司和拥有一间公司是不能相提并论的两回事。
Management of a company is different from ownership of a company.
- 公司有五百个职员。
The company employs 500 workers.
- 许多小公司倒闭了。
Many small companies went bankrupt.
- 这家公司生产电脑晶片。
This company manufactures computer chips.
- 公司放弃了那个项目。
The company abandoned that project.
- 这家公司的老板是谁?
Who is the boss of this company?
- 约翰离开了公司,另起炉灶。
John turned his back on the company and started on his own.
- 我不太适应在这间公司工作。
I felt like a fish out of water at this firm.
- 电话公司上个月切了我的线。
The phone company cut me off last month.
- 公司由于缺乏资本倒闭了。
The firm went under due to lack of capital.