- 玛丽对政治感兴趣。
Mary is interested in politics.
- 我对摄影感兴趣。
I am interested in taking pictures.
- 他们只对卖书有兴趣。
They were only interested in selling books.
- 我对英语感兴趣。
I am interested in English.
- 你对政治感兴趣吗?
Are you interested in politics?
- 我的兴趣是弹吉他。
My hobby is playing the guitar.
- 我对歷史没有甚么兴趣。
I have little interest in history.
- 我的兴趣是收集钱币。
My hobby is collecting coins.
- 你对音乐感不感兴趣?
Are you interested in music?
- 我对这样的东西半点兴趣也没有。
I am not in the least interested in such a thing.