- 有五分之四的会员反对这个计划。
Four-fifths of all the members were against the plan.
- 仅三分之一的成员出席了会议。
Only one third of the members turned up at the meeting.
- 进口车佔了不到百分之八。
Imported cars account for less than eight percent.
- 六个成员中有三分之一是女性。
Out of the 6 members, a third are women.
- 那个国家三分之一的人口是文盲。
One third of the population of that country cannot read.
- 全世界百分之八十电脑上的资讯都是用英语写的。
Eighty percent of all information on computers around the world is in English.
- 你乘公车去的话,可以省掉三分之二的时间。
If you go by bus, you can get there in about one-third of the time.
- 有百分之五十二的英国女性喜欢巧克力胜于性。
Fifty-two per cent of British women prefer chocolate to sex.