Yìn dù


  • India


  • 印度于1947年脱离英国获得独立。
    India gained independence from Britain in 1947.
  • 印度昨天发生了一场大地震。
    A big earthquake occurred in India yesterday.
  • 印度是世界第七大的国家。
    India is the seventh largest country in the world.
  • 台湾菜比印度菜口味淡。
    Taiwanese food is milder than Indian food.
  • Muiriel 是印度人。
    Muiriel is an Indian.
  • 从英国乘船到印度,以前需要六个月的时间。
    The voyage from England to India used to take 6 months.
  • 印度,人们在餐桌上用右手传递食物。
    In India, people pass food at the dinner table with the right hand.
  • 他们照顾了一个印度女孩和一个意大利男孩。
    They were taking care of a girl from India and a boy from Italy.
  • 印度国旗叫做「三色旗」,因为它是由三条不同颜色的色条组成的 ﹣ 橙Ɩ
    The Indian flag is called the tricolour because it has stripes of three colours – saffron, white and green.
Chinese Tones