fā zhǎn


  • development
  • growth
  • to develop
  • to grow
  • to expand



  • 来自国家发展和改革委员会的数据显示,互联网在中国农村地区发展迅猛
    As figures from the National Development and Reform Committee show, the Internet has developed rapidly in rural China.
  • 电脑产业的发展一日千里。
    The development of the computer industry has been very rapid.
  • 这座城镇发展成为了一个经济中心。
    The town developed into the center of the economy.
  • 发展经济和保护环境哪一个更重要?
    Which is more important, economic development or environmental protection?
  • 媒体对他所说的话断章取义并发展到无法控制的地步了。
    Just one part of what he said got picked up by the media and took on a life of its own.
  • 今年我们公司的发展速度大大超过去年。
    This year, the speed of development in our company far exceeds that of last year.
  • 越来越多国家随着中国的发展而希望跟中国有好的关系。
    As China develops, more and more countries want to have good relations with it.
  • 现在中国公认的标准旗袍的现代版本是首先在上海发展起来的。
    The modern version, which is now popularly recognized in China as the standard qipao, was first developed in Shanghai after 1900.
  • 国家发展和改革委员会的报告说,农村电信基础设施的快速推进是网民人
    The report from the National Development and Reform Committee says that the advance in rural high-speed telecommunication infrastructure is the main reason for the increase in Internet users.
Chinese Tones