shòu huān yíng


  • popular
  • well-received


  • 鲍勃在学校很受欢迎
    Bob is popular at school.
  • 她的每首歌都长期备受欢迎
    Every one of her songs was a hit.
  • 他的每首歌都长期备受欢迎
    Every one of his songs was a hit.
  • 他听得多说得少, 在闺房和大厅都很受欢迎
    He that hears much and speaks not at all shall be welcome both in bower and hall.
  • 尾崎将司是日本最受欢迎的专业高尔夫球手。
    No pro golfer in Japan is as popular as Jumbo Ozaki.
Chinese Tones