kǒu qì


  • tone of voice
  • the way one speaks
  • manner of expression
  • tone



  • 妇人叹了口气
    Sighed the young woman.
  • 她鬆了一口气
    She gave out a sigh of relief.
  • 她听到那个消息,失望地叹了一口气
    When she heard the news, she sighed disappointedly.
  • 我们看见远处传来了一点光,不禁都鬆了一口气
    We felt relieved when we saw a light in the distance.
  • 第二天早上,他就平安无事的回来了,我们都大大的鬆了一口气
    The next morning, to our great relief, he returned home safe and sound.
Chinese Tones