

  • history
  • annals
  • title of an official historian in ancient China



  • 这是一个歷城镇。
    This is an historic city.
  • 客观的历存在吗?
    Does objective history exist?
  • 我对歷没有甚么兴趣。
    I have little interest in history.
  • 他喜欢地理和历
    He likes geography and history.
  • 他有很多历书籍。
    He has a lot of books on history.
  • 密斯先生是个好老师。
    Mr Smith is a good teacher.
  • 这个发现将会在歷上留下光辉的一页。
    This discovery will be recorded in history.
  • 这是密斯先生。
    This is Mr. Smith.
  • 密斯夫妇现在分居了。
    Mr. and Mrs. Smith live apart from each other now.
  • 我喜欢抒情诗多于诗。
    I like lyric better than epic.
Chinese Tones