chǎo xǐng


  • to wake sb up with a noise


  • 什么吵醒你了?
    What woke you up?
  • 他被啪啪的敲门声吵醒了。
    He was roused by a loud knocking at the door.
  • 噪音把我吵醒了。
    The noise awoke me.
  • 为了不吵醒宝宝,我静静地关上了门。
    I shut the door quietly so as not to wake the baby.
  • 当夜晚满月掉落在屋顶上时, 所有的农夫都被吵醒了。
    When the full moon falls down on the roof at night, all the farmers are woken up.
Chinese Tones