- 风吹得很猛。
It is blowing very hard.
- 树被风吹倒了。
The tree was blown down.
- 他喜欢吹牛。
He likes to throw the bull.
- 有一阵从北边吹来的冷风。
There was a cold wind blowing from the north.
- 是什么风把你吹来了啊?
What has brought you here?
- 风愈吹愈猛。
The wind is picking up.
- 颱风吹毁了很多房屋。
Not a few houses were destroyed by the typhoon.
- Bob不仅会弹吉他还会吹笛。
Bob plays not only the guitar but also the flute.
- 她不费吹灰之力就把问题解决了。
She solved the problem with ease.
- 她的帽子被风吹走了。
The wind blew her hat off.