- 平行四边形是由两组平行线组成的四边形。
A parallelogram is a quadrilateral formed from two sets of parallel lines.
- 我们的抓饭是四块钱。
Our pilaf is four yuan.
- 我怀孕四个月了。
I am four months pregnant.
- 在乌鲁木齐有四万个摄像机。
There are forty thousand cameras in Urumqi.
- 她四处环顾了一下。
She looked all around.
- 这家酒店在旅行指南上有四星级的评分,但是却完全没有四星级的水准。
This hotel is far from deserving the four stars the guidebook gives it.
- 正方形有四条边。
A square has four sides.
- 我买了二十四支铅笔。
I bought two dozen pencils.
- 我们班有四十个学生。
There are forty students in our class.
- 我通常四点回家。
I usually go home at four.