- 给我这座城堡的钥匙!
Give me the key to this castle!
- 我的计划是参观苏格兰的古堡。
My plan is visiting old castles in Scotland.
- 对爱丁堡来说,这表示什么意思?
What will this mean for Edinburgh?
- 许多年前这里有一座城堡。
There was a castle here many years ago.
- 加里宁格勒旧称为哥尼斯堡。
Kaliningrad was once called Koenigsberg.
- 这座城堡比那座漂亮。
This castle is more beautiful than that.
- 山脚下有一座古老的城堡。
There is an old castle at the foot of the mountain.
- 他边说边颤抖:「那座城堡有鬼。」
"The castle is haunted," he said with a shiver.
- 爱丁堡的水边地工程可能会把诸如此类的事情改变。
The Edinburgh Waterfront project could be about to change all that.
- 爱丁堡能不能向我们展示成为更健康城市的办法?
Can Edinburgh show us the way towards healthier cities?