
  • to block up (a road, pipe etc)
  • to stop up (a hole)
  • (fig.) (of a person) choked up with anxiety or stress
  • wall (literary)
  • (classifier for walls)



  • 暴风雨过后 ,那条路被倒下来的树住了。
    After the storm, the road was blocked with fallen trees.
  • 有棵树倒了下来,把路住了。
    A fallen tree obstructed the road.
  • 市中心的交通都塞了。
    Traffic downtown is all backed up.
  • 这个工人本来应该在中午十二点到达, 但他被交通塞困住了几个小时Ӎ
    The handyman was supposed to arrive at twelve noon, but got stuck in a traffic jam for a few hours.
Chinese Tones