- 想吃多少饼干就吃多少。
Take as many cookies as you want.
- 这条领带多少钱?
How much is this tie?
- 你爱拿多少就拿多少。
Take as much as you like.
- 这东西多少钱?
How much does this cost?
- 问她要多少汤?
Ask her how much soup she wants.
- 你估计听众有多少?
How large do you make the audience?
- 这块球拍多少钱?
How much is this racket?
- 日本办过多少次奥运会?
How many times has Japan hosted the Olympics?
- 坐飞机将花你多少钱?
How much will it cost you to go by air?
- 手续费是多少?
How much is the commission?