dà bù


  • most of
  • the majority of sth



  • 大部分人迟早要结婚。
    The majority of people marry sooner or later.
  • 大部分观众是年幼的儿童。
    The audience was largely made up of very young children.
  • 大部份的国家都教英语。
    English is taught in most countries.
  • 大部份的保险计划不包含整容手术。
    Cosmetic surgery is not covered by most insurance plans.
  • 我怕这项工作会佔用我大部份的时间。
    I fear this work will take up most of my time.
  • 她和小区里大部分妇女不同,因为她会读书写字。
    She was different from most women in the neighborhood, for she was able to read and write.
  • 大部分大不列颠的男人定期送巧克力作礼物给他们的合伙人,尤其是在他
    Almost half the men in Great Britain regularly give chocolate to their partner, especially for their birthday.
  • 大部分的父母视自己的孩子为世界上最好的。
    Most parents see their own children as the best in the world.
  • 看完研究以后,我们其中大部分人论定疫苗是件好事。
    After looking at the research, most of us conclude that vaccines are a good thing.
Chinese Tones