tiān kōng


  • sky



  • 天空风云骤起。
    The sky looks angry.
  • 天空是蓝色的.
    The sky is blue.
  • 天空飘的云很美。
    The clouds floating in the sky are beautiful.
  • 一道闪电划破天空
    A sharp crack of thunder split the sky.
  • 天空逐渐变得乌云密佈。
    The sky has gradually clouded over.
  • 他抬头望着天空
    He was looking upward to the sky.
  • 天空是多么的蓝啊!
    How blue the sky is.
  • 天空突然变暗了。
    All of sudden the sky became dark.
  • 天空被焰火点亮。
    The sky was ablazed with fireworks.
  • 当我离开家的时候天空很明朗。
    The sky was clear when I left home.
Chinese Tones