- 钱太多了吗?
Too much money?
- 你说太多了。
You talk too much.
- 酒喝太多很危险。
It is dangerous to drink too much.
- 这几天我脑袋里的事情太多了。
I have too many things on my mind these days.
- 你不该吃太多。
You must not eat too much.
- 房子里家具太多了。
There is too much furniture in the house.
- 你咖啡喝得太多了。
You drink too much coffee.
- 你吸太多烟了。你应该少抽一点。
You smoke far too much. You should cut back.
- 你想太多了。
I think you worry too much.
- 这些天John喝得太多了。
These days John drinks too much.