- 我们闲时应该出外晒晒太阳。
We should sometimes expose our bodies to the sun.
- 太阳一出来,雾就散了。
As the sun rose, the fog disappeared.
- 地球比太阳小。
The earth is smaller than the sun.
- 太阳从海上升起了。
The sun rose from the sea.
- 太阳在东方升起,西方落下。
The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
- 太阳在夏天比冬天升起得早。
The sun rises earlier in summer than in winter.
- 如果没有了太阳光,我们就甚么也看不见了。
Without the light of the sun, we could see nothing.
- 地球大约每三百六十五天就会围绕太阳旋转一周。
The earth makes one revolution round the sun in about 365 days.
- 自从我在我的房子上装了太阳能电池板,我的电费单就减半了。
Since I installed solar panels on my house my energy bill has been cut in half.