

  • obscure
  • mysterious



  • 他参加了运会。
    He took part in the Olympic Games.
  • 这是一道深的数学题。
    This is a difficult math problem.
  • 日本办过多少次运会?
    How many times has Japan hosted the Olympics?
  • 我想去地利学习音乐。
    I would like to go to Austria in order to study music.
  • 他去了地利读音乐。
    He went to Austria for the purpose of studying music.
  • Karin是地利人。
    Karin is Austrian.
  • 事实上,投掷侏儒是运会的运动项目。
    Indeed, dwarf tossing is an Olympian sport!
  • 「克里帕特拉」这个名字已经成为了美女的代名词。
    The name "Cleopatra" has become a byword for a beautiful woman.
  • 随着时间的流逝,这些克里尔语成为了独立的语言:西班牙语,法语,
    As more time passed, these Creoles became separate languages: Spanish, French, Italian, etc.
Chinese Tones