- 宁为猫头不为狮尾。
Better be the head of a cat than the tail of a lion.
- 我宁愿搭飞机旅行。
I prefer to travel by air.
- 你宁愿说谎也不要让他生气吗?
Would you rather lie than make him angry?
- 伊宁的苹果种类非常多。
Ghulja has very many kinds of apples.
- 与其向命运妥协,我宁可自杀。
I would rather kill myself than reconcile myself to my fate.
- 我宁愿饿死,也不会去偷东西。
I would rather starve than steal.
- 加里宁格勒旧称为哥尼斯堡。
Kaliningrad was once called Koenigsberg.
- 她宁愿工作也不愿闲著。
I prefer working to doing nothing.
- 我宁愿自己独立生活也不要他来指使我。
I would rather live by myself than do as he tells me to do.
- 我宁愿到不喜欢的公司工作,也不想浑浑噩噩的又过一年。
I would rather work for any company than waste another year.