- 我们必须保持家庭传统。
We must keep up the family traditions.
- 老师给我们布置了家庭作业。
The teacher gave us homework.
- 他有一个大家庭。
He has a large family.
- 这个家庭非常贫穷以至于无法偿还贷款。
The family is too poor to pay back the debts.
- 由于诸多不幸因素,单亲家庭在增长中。
Due to a number of unfortunate causes, one-parent families are on the increase.
- 上星期天我的家庭去了动物园看熊猫。
My family went to the zoo to see pandas last Sunday.
- 如果你死了,你的家庭会变成怎样呢?
If you should die, what would become of your family?
- 他完全沉浸于家庭生活中,不想工作了。
He is totally immersed in family life and has no wish to work.
- 百分之十五的房屋将是经济适用,所以低收入家庭会在这个地区买或者租
Fifteen per cent of the housing will be affordable, so that low-income families will be able to buy or rent homes in the area.