chà diǎn


  • almost
  • nearly



  • 差点就对了。
    That is almost correct.
  • 他过马路时差点被车撞。
    He was nearly hit by the car while crossing the street.
  • 差点被车撞倒。
    I was nearly hit by a car.
  • 事故差点让他丢了性命。
    The accident almost cost him his life.
  • 你的铅笔差点戳到我的眼睛了。
    You nearly poked me in the eye with your pencil.
  • 我昨晚差点踩到一只臭鼬。
    I almost stepped on a skunk last night.
  • 差点在人群中和你失散了。
    I all but lost you in the crowd.
Chinese Tones