- 和这幅比起上来,那幅画的色彩鲜艳多了。
The picture is colorful in contrast with this one.
- 这幅画远看更好。
The picture looks better at a distance.
- 这幅画值很多钱。
This painting is worth a great deal of money.
- 这幅画是谁画的?
By whom was this picture painted?
- 这是一幅地图。
This is a map.
- 那幅画有多少年了?
How old is that painting?
- 他问我那幅画是谁画的。
He asked me who had painted the picture.
- 企业第一季度收益大幅增长。
Corporate earnings in the first quarter improved sharply.
- 那幅画是印象派的大师级作品。
That painting is a masterpiece of impressionist art.
- 近年的遊客数量大幅增加。
The number of tourists has increased greatly in recent years.