- 你曾经听过英语广播节目吗?
Do you ever listen to English programs on the air?
- 据广播里讲,明天会下雪。
According to the radio, it will snow tomorrow.
- 我常常在我的闲暇时候听广播。
I often spend my leisure time listening to the radio.
- 收音机广播充斥著有关最近爆炸的新闻。
News of the recent blast is all over the radio.
- 报纸、杂志和新闻广播讲述着世界上正在发生的事。
Newspapers, magazines, and newscasts tell what is going on in the world.
- 我起初觉得广播体操很无聊,但是现在却喜欢上了。
At the beginning, I was bored with radio gymnastics, but now I do not dislike it.