
  • order
  • sequence
  • preface



  • 英国人很尊重法和秩
    The British have a lot of respect for law and order.
  • 这个程缺陷满多。
    This process has a lot of inconveniences.
  • 铁的原子数是二十六。
    The atomic number of iron is 26.
  • 假如你没有这个程,你现在就可以去下载。
    If you do not have this program you can download it now.
  • 他主张的是出生的先后次和个性有很密切的关系。
    His claim is that there is a close relation between birth order and personality.
  • 如果我可以把英文字母重新排,我会把「U」和「I」放在一起。
    If I could rearrange the alphabet, I would put U and I together.
Chinese Tones