- 他们状告政府赔偿损失。
They sued the government for damages.
- 判决对政府不利。
The judgement went against the government.
- 哥伦比亚政府要了更多的钱。
The Colombian government demanded more money.
- 一场毁灭性的地震袭击了这个州的首府。
A devastating earthquake hit the state capital.
- 兰辛是密西根州的首府。
Lansing is the state capital of Michigan.
- 经济繁荣稳定,是每个政府都想达到的目标。
A stable economy is the aim of every government.
- 政府用直升机把物资送到了那个小岛。
The government transported goods to the island by helicopter.
- 中国政府控制了网络,以免让人民知道六四事件的真相。
The Chinese government controlled the internet to prevent the people from knowing the truth of the Tiananmen Square Massacre.
- 为了提高出生率,中国政府花了很多钱在大熊猫成功繁殖的研究上。
The Chinese government has spent a lot of money on research into successful panda breeding in order to increase their birth rate.