xíng róng


  • to describe
  • description
  • appearance
  • look



  • 这风景美得无法形容
    The scenery was beautiful beyond description.
  • 这个字形容得妙极了。
    That word describes it perfectly.
  • 她的魅力难以用笔墨形容
    Her charm is beyond description.
  • 你看过富士山吗? 它美得无法形容
    Have you ever seen Mt. Fuji? It is beautiful beyond description.
  • 那里的景色美得无法以笔墨形容
    The beauty of the scene was beyond description.
  • 这个世界上有些事物根本不能用言语形容
    There are things in this world which simply cannot be expressed in the form of words.
  • 有人形容,跟异性交往就好像在海边捡石头,大家都会捡喜欢的那一颗。
    The way some people see it, associating with the opposite sex is just like going to the seaside and gathering stones; everyone can pick up the ones they like.
Chinese Tones